Take Care Of Yourself

Most people are a little on edge about a pending dental procedure. They may be afraid of feeling pain or dreading the injection of local anesthetic that will prevent it. Whatever the cause for concern it rarely has to do with what may happen AFTER the procedure.

There are specific care instructions associated with root canal therapy, extractions or periodontal treatments, for example. There is even a list of dos and don’ts following tooth whitening.

Generally speaking, your dentist will advise letting the numbness from the anesthetic wear off before trying to eat or drink anything in order to avoid burning your mouth or accidentally biting into tender gum tissue. Some procedures will take longer to recover from than others. Your dentist may advise an over the counter painkiller and he will be happy to provide a prescription strength dosage just in case you need something more.

A tooth extraction involves specific follow-up instructions which include getting plenty of rest. Your dentist will suggest that you take the rest of your day off, limit physical activity, keep the affected area clean of debris, protect the socket to prevent the clot from breaking open and start salt water rinses after 24 hours have passed.

The dentists and staff members at Belleview Dental Associates in Littleton, CO know that patients may forget to ask pertinent questions about home care right after undergoing a dental procedure. They will make sure you leave the office with a printed sheet of instructions including the number to call with any questions you may have.